This week was extra good due to Graham’s return. He was back in England for a few weeks but arrived in Brooklyn on Tuesday. :) He caught a little bug on the flight here, so we’ve had a low key week. Tonight we’re venturing out for burgers and then heading to BAM to see Hannibal Buress. He’s one of our favorite comedians and we’re excited to see him live tonight.
This week I wrote a post about downsizing my material possessions and a review of the book that helped me do so: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I also brought back my monthly reading recap post, my Polysyllabic Spree, after a 2 year hiatus, and reviewed the first book of poetry I finished this year: Bouquet of Red Flags by Taylor Mali. This week’s Words to Live By post was from one of my favorite books of all time, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.
I just finished Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin, which I thought was fantastic and will be posting a full review of next month on the publication date. I also finished The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination
by Ursula K. Le Guin – an absolutely stunning book that will also be getting a full review post soon. Now I’m finishing up Norwegian Wood
by Haruki Murakami.
I saved all the Parks and Recreation season 7 episodes that have aired so far to watch with Graham, so we caught up this week. I was really curious / nervous what it would be like with the jump 3 years into the future, but I shouldn’t have worried: it’s still so good.
For reasons unknown and not relevant to the quality of the show, I never finished watching 30 Rock when it aired. (Partly due to a DVR malfunction in 2009 that I never caught up from.) Graham had never seen any of it, so over Christmas we started from the beginning. We just finished up season 7, and I can’t believe I had never seen seasons 6 or 7 – they are so extremely good.
Graham also introduced me to the British quiz show Never Mind the Buzzcocks. It’s hilarious and I can’t wait to watch more.
(I did mention we had a low-key week: that list of television watched is the main evidence.)
I’m currently listening to the audiobook of Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer, a journalist who dives into the world of memory – both studying the science of normal and abnormal memories and inserting himself into the world of professional memory competitions. It’s fascinating so far, and interesting to learn more about how memories work: how they are stored and accessed inside our brains and how they can be strengthened.
- I really enjoyed the perspective shared in this post by Max about his experiences participating in #readwomen2014.
- HONY meets the President and gets a great quote, per usual.
- [SELF PROMOTION] – One month from today I’m riding with Cycle for Survival to raise money to fight rare cancer. This is my favorite organization and charity event – it’s a fantastic cause and an event filled with so much passion and love. Rare cancers are underfunded by major drug companies, even though cancers classified as “rare” make up 50% of all cancer in the United States. Treatments funded by Cycle for Survival have saved lives and made an incredible impact. If you’re so inclined to donate, I’d be extremely grateful and you can do so here. 100% of every dollar gets allocated to treatment funding within 6 months.
How was your week? What are you reading / watching / listening to?